4 ways to calm an upset stomach

4 ways to calm an upset stomach

Zac Burton

As per estimates, 60 to 70 million people nationwide have some form of digestive disease. Although typically short-lived, an upset stomach can cause severe pain and discomfort. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, upper abdominal discomfort, and appetite loss. While health experts may recommend treatments to relieve stomach problems, avoiding certain trigger foods and taking adequate rest can speed up recovery. Below are some of the best ways to calm an upset stomach faster.

Eat foods that support digestion
When down with an upset stomach, individuals are often recommended nutritious foods that are easy on the digestive system. A few foods for stomach pain relief are:

  • Ginger
    Ginger has been traditionally recommended to relieve digestion-related symptoms like nausea and vomiting. The root can help move foods easily through the gastrointestinal tract, soothing stomach pain and providing stomach gas relief. Patients can create a solution by mixing ginger and lemon in a glass of water and adding a drizzle of honey.
  • Bananas
    This tropical fruit is packed with potassium, a nutrient the body loses in large concentrations during episodes of indigestion and diarrhea. It helps to replenish the body with potassium and other vital nutrients like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.
  • Boiled white rice
    Polished or white rice is easier to digest than brown and red rice. Moreover, being low in fiber, white rice can help manage the symptoms of diarrhea. It is also a good food choice while healing from an upset stomach.
  • Papaya
    While protein is necessary for good health, it does not break down easily during episodes of an upset stomach. Papaya contains papain, which helps break down proteins easily and aids digestion. This versatile fruit may be enjoyed directly or added to smoothies, juices, and shakes.
  • Yogurt
    Yogurt is among the best protein sources for healing from an upset stomach. The healthy bacteria in yogurt help manage diarrhea and food poisoning.
  • Applesauce
    Applesauce is rich in pectin, which dissolves easily in water. It is a suitable food to eat for stomach pain and indigestion.
  • Carrots
    Soluble fiber converts to a gel-like substance in the stomach, which aids in managing diarrhea. Hence, those with an upset stomach should include foods rich in soluble fiber, such as citrus fruits, carrots, peas, and beans.

Avoid foods that can aggravate the symptoms
Certain foods can be hard to digest and worsen stomach upset. A few foods to avoid with stomach pain include:

  • Whole grains
    Whole grains like brown rice and rolled oats are relatively difficult to digest and can aggravate discomfort when the stomach is upset. It helps to replace whole grains with processed varieties like white rice and instant oats.
  • Caffeinated beverages
    Caffeine is commonly associated with heartburn and can aggravate one’s condition when grappling with an upset stomach. Hence, avoiding caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee, and aerated drinks is advisable.
  • Processed foods
    Besides being loaded with saturated fats and salt, processed foods are deficient in fiber, triggering or aggravating conditions associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, one should avoid processed foods as much as possible and stick to a basic, home-based meal plan rich in essential nutrients.
  • Refined sugar
    Studies have demonstrated a link between poor digestion of certain types of sugar and stomach problems like diarrhea. Sugar prevents water from being adequately absorbed by the large intestine, which can trigger or aggravate bloating and worsen stomach upset symptoms. Replacing refined sugar with limited quantities of natural sugar sources like fruits and fresh fruit juices is a good idea.

Stay hydrated
The body requires adequate water to aid proper digestion and control heartburn. Hence, one should drink plenty of water and healthy fluids to calm an upset stomach.

Chew food properly
Gulping down large morsels can worsen bloating, heartburn, and stomach pain due to a lack of saliva in the food and the presence of large food particles. Individuals must be mindful when eating, especially when dealing with stomach pain.

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