All one needs to know about multiple sclerosis

All one needs to know about multiple sclerosis

James Davis

Multiple sclerosis, widely known as MS, is an autoimmune disease that involves the central nervous system, namely the brain and spinal cord. The disease causes the body’s immune system to start attacking the nerve fibers and also the myelin sheathing, a substance that protects nerve fibers. This leads to inflammation, ultimately altering the messages sent by the brain to the other parts of the body. Here’s all that one needs to know about multiple sclerosis.

The different types of multiple sclerosis:

Clinically isolated syndrome
Some people show symptoms of MS for up to 24 hours; this is often known as CIS. However, not everyone who shows the symptoms develop multiple sclerosis.

Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS)
In this case, the symptoms increase and are often followed by remissions. During the period of remission, the symptoms may briefly disappear, either fully or partially.

Primary progressive multiple sclerosis
The ones diagnosed with PPMS notice that their symptoms slowly and progressively worsen. However, there might be periods when stability occurs.

Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS)
There are multiple cases where the ones diagnosed with RRMS progress to SPMS. This happens when they continue to show signs of nerve damage with no signs of remission.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis
As multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system, there are early signs and symptoms that you can keep an eye out for. They are:

Muscle weakness
The most common thing to be vary of is muscle weakness, which is caused by nerve damage.

Tingling or numbness
The sensation of being pricked by pins/needles is one of the earliest symptoms of multiple sclerosis and often affects the arms, legs, and face.

Loss of balance
Sometimes, due to wrong signals being sent, one might lose balance and may even find themselves tripping quite easily while walking.

Problems with vision
Blurry, double, or even a partial loss in vision indicates MS at an incredibly early stage.

Causes of multiple sclerosis
The main cause of multiple sclerosis is still unknown, but there are a few factors that act as triggers. They include:

Mutations in the gene
There are some diseases that are hereditary, and this often increases the risk of being diagnosed with said disease.

Exposure to bacteria/virus
Research has shown that exposure to certain viruses/bacteria can trigger multiple sclerosis.

The place one lives in plays a huge role in the chances of developing MS, as some regions have higher rates of MS than others.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

Physical rehabilitation
As nerve damage causes harm and affects physical function, staying physically fit and keeping your body parts active will help maintain their mobility.

Mental health counseling
Emotional support is a must when fighting against MS, as coping with it can be incredibly challenging.

Foods to eat and avoid

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
Some research has shown that eating nuts, seeds, salmon, and mackerel reduce inflammation.

Fruits, vegetables, and grain
Fruits and vegetables like pears, strawberries, and carrots offer various benefits. Additionally, whole grains like wheat or oats can help, too.

Some food items that should be strictly avoided include dairy products, salt, and processed meat.

Natural remedies for multiple sclerosis
A few of the symptoms of MS can be avoided using natural/at-home remedies. For example, having Ginko extract or green tea every day could help. But before adding any of these to one’s everyday life, it is better to consult a healthcare expert, as they will aid in creating a treatment plan that works best for an individual’s needs.

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