An essential guide for nasal polyposis patients

An essential guide for nasal polyposis patients

Ronald Singleton

Nasal polyposis is a condition that causes non-tumorous growths in the sinuses or the nasal passages. These growths are not harmful but can cause discomfort and pain with time, especially when the polyps are larger in size. Here is everything you need to know about nasal polyposis.

When the nasal passage or the sinuses go through chronic inflammation, nasal polyposis occurs. When there is chronic inflammation, the nasal mucosa, i.e., the layer that protects the insides of the nose and sinuses, gets swollen. Swollen mucosa may develop polyps with time. Examples of conditions that lead to chronic inflammation are

  • Asthma
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Sinus infections

Most of the symptoms of nasal polyposis can be mistaken for symptoms of allergies and the common cold. That is why people ignore the symptoms or treat them with OTC medications on most occasions. If you have nasal polyps, the below symptoms recur regularly, all through the year.

  • Blocked nose
  • Postnasal drip
  • Stuffiness in the nose
  • Runny nose
  • Inability to breathe normally through the nose
  • Reduced sense of smell

Diagnosis and treatment options
If you visit your doctor with the above symptoms, then the doctor may check your nasal passage using an instrument called the nasoscope. This small tube-like instrument has a lens at the end that can identify polyps in the nasal passage or the sinuses.

Once one or more polyps is identified, then your doctor may ask you to go for a CT or MRI scan to exactly identify the size and position of the nasal polyps. Treatment usually includes medications and surgery.

  • Medications for nasal polyposis
    If the polyp is very small, then medications include just treating the symptoms of the condition like congestion and postnatal drip. Usually, nasal steroids are prescribed for this case.
  • Surgery for nasal polyposis
    In case the nasal polyps are slightly larger, a polypectomy surgery helps remove the polyps completely. This is an outpatient procedure and is quick and painless. For larger polyps, an endoscopy surgery will be required to find the polyps and remove them. This will be an in-house procedure and you may have to stay overnight.

Natural remedies
While these natural remedies can bring down the unpleasant signs of nasal polyposis, they cannot shrink or remove the polyps.

  • Steam inhalation brings down inflammation in the nasal passage and the sinuses and hence makes the symptoms better. You can use a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to effectively decongest.
  • Using humidifiers at home can also bring down polyposis flare-up.
  • Chamomile tea is known to reduce inflammation because of allergies and can make congestion better.

Best food to have

  • Turmeric contains curcumin and this is an anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin can bring down inflammation and other signs of infection.
  • Garlic is an excellent immunity booster and this also has anti-inflammatory properties. Including garlic regularly in foods can help bring down polyps inflammation.
  • Cayenne pepper contains a chemical called capsaicin that helps bring down inflammation and sinus allergies.

Preventive measures
Know your triggers for allergies and stay away from them. Keep a saline nasal spray in your bag and carry it with you all the time. If you notice early signs of the nasal polyposis flare-up, use the spray to prevent it from becoming worse. Meet your doctor and opt for medications to bring down the intensity of the condition.

Although nasal polyposis is not harmful, it can lead to severe discomfort and pain. By getting the right help, you can handle the condition easily.

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