Rheumatoid arthritis – Symptoms, remedies, and nutritional needs

Rheumatoid arthritis – Symptoms, remedies, and nutritional needs

Zac Burton

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints, especially in the hands and feet. Chronic inflammation is observed in these areas, leading to extreme pain and discomfort, and this may even cause bone erosion and joint deformity later. It is an auto-immune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy cells by sending antibodies that line up the joints. These antibodies then continue to attack the tissue surrounding the joint, leading to inflammation and pain.

Pain and swelling in joints
Tenderness in joints
Weakness and tiredness
Stiffness in joints, especially after waking up or from sitting in one position for too long

Treatment options

Physical therapy
As the name suggests, this involves some physical movement and exercise. The purpose of this therapy is to stimulate the joints, bones, and muscles, and increase the range of motion for easier day-to-day requirements. A professional will be able to guide one through some exercises that are not too extreme on the joints while still managing the pain and stiffness that is caused due to the condition.

Occupational therapy
Due to extreme pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints and muscles, some people may need extra assistance in everyday activities like dressing, cooking, or even bathing. A professional occupational therapist will understand these requirements and suggest assistive devices that may be of use to patients.

If none of the treatment plans suggested by the doctor work, then surgery is the last resort where the damaged joints are operated upon to be repaired, deformities are corrected, and after a recovery period, the pain is reduced.

Natural remedies

Getting a massage every once in a while usually helps with managing the pain and swelling in joints and muscles. A professional masseuse will know the right pressure to put and how to apply the pressure to relieve pain.

This also needs to be done by a professional. An acupuncturist knows exactly the right pain points to work on to help relieve pain and swelling. Any wrong pressure points will only lead to more discomfort.

Heat and cold therapy
As the name suggests, heat and cold therapy involves using a heating pad at the area that is affected and letting the muscles and joints relax. Using a cold pack on the muscles and joints helps reduce the inflammation that is caused due to RA.

Tai chi
This is a popular exercise technique that is known for its abundant benefits for joints, muscles, and overall health. This exercise involves doing a series of gentle movements while standing up and increasing the range of motions of the joints.

Nutritional needs

It is considered one of the most beneficial herbs with healing properties. Especially in Asian culture, turmeric is used a lot in cooking and ancient treatment practices because it has anti-inflammatory properties. A compound called curcumin is what gives it this healing property and adding turmeric to one’s meals or smoothies in appropriate quantities can help relieve pain and swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

Krill oil
Krill oil has an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the swelling. Most fish are rich in these fatty acids; however, krill is a new superfood that boasts this nutrient in abundance. It is suggested that adding about 300 milligrams of krill oil daily to one’s food may help in reducing the joint stiffness and pain.

This is another age-old herbal root used for its healing properties in many ancient treatment plans. Ginger is used in teas and food recipes not just for the taste but also its role in health improvement. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can be especially useful for those suffering from any joint or muscle pain and swelling. This includes patients dealing with rheumatoid arthritis.

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